Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Day 29 Touring the Gorges du Tarn region (2nd try!)

Day 29  Touring the Gorges du Tarn region (2nd try!)

(Notes kindly donated by Noeline)
Today saw us heading out on the drive we missed out on yesterday. 

Five minutes down the road, the heavens opened upend the clouds rolled in. The weather so far has made Melbourne look like paradise. with this morning the sun was shining when we left the hotel, about 20 minutes down the road the rain started, causing us to stop and put on our coats, 10 minutes after this the sun came out again and we all started a slow bake! 

  As we continued on further - past yesterdays motoring mishap - the scenery became even more enchanting. Beautiful little villages are just built "into" or "onto" any rock that happens to be there.

We stopped at the pretty little village of St Chely du Tarn for tea and coffee but ended up staying there for lunch. A leisurely drive back to the hotel has us now sitting on the terrace enjoying the magnificent backdrop of the gorge and watching either an eagle or a vulture hovering way overhead. Mike's car behaved beautifully and he is clearly a relieved man.   

Foot update - Noeline's foot is so swollen she is having difficulty fitting into her shoes and cannot put any pressure on it.  Back to square one with the stress fracture.
We have decided to head back to the bar/cafe just down the road tonight as it is the first night for their new summer to menu..... It was a great night and tonight Alison and John joined us.  The owner was so pleased she gave us a bottle of schnapps (more like pear favoured "fire water" really) but the boys loved it!

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