Friday, 14 June 2013

Day 26 Village of Camon

Day 26 Around Camon

This was designated another relaxation day and John and Alison had opted to head out early and explore the local country side and missed breakfast altogether.  After breakfast the rest of us started out by finding a quiet spot to catch up on reading in the chateau gardens, swimming and sunning themselves or catching up on the blog.  It was a beautiful day and promised to become quite warm in the afternoon. 

Lunch on the chateau terrace
It was agreed that we would get together and prepare an impromptu lunch – Peter, the chateau proprietor, donated the left over breakfast baguettes and some butter and together with our wine and pate from the car rally we put together a great lunch. 

After lunch Dale and I went for a walk around the village of Camon (which is where the chateau is located).  This is a magic village beautifully set out, tidy with beautifully presented rose bushes through out the village

Views around the village of Camon

Then in the evening we went to visit Mike’s friend Stewart for dinner in the nearby St Quentin La Tour. Stewart and his partner Michael live in a restored 10th century (Romanesque) castle which they bought in the 70’s as an empty derelict shell, now after 180 tons of Oak beams and lots of other work, including the installation of a cinema pipe organ, the place is incredible.
Mike parked outside the castle in St Quentin La Tour

Some of the 700 + pipes of the cinema organ

Some of the massive Oak beams used to restore the castle.

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